“"As a stay-at-home, homeschooling, social media/website managing, photo/video editing mom, it seems like I'm constantly on a screen doing something. I was living with eye strain (felt as pressure in my eye sockets), headaches, dry eyes, etc. daily and felt like it was just something I needed to live with. I had a feeling it was due to screen usage, but no matter what I tried it wouldn't go away."”
Kristin F
““Screen Fit is the perfect program to help relieve tension from staring at screens, as well as provide ways to prevent it. The app makes it easy to use daily, with excellent videos and instructions. It also gave me tools to do the drills when I don’t have any props on hand — like the 3 thumbs exercise! I loved doing the program and appreciate having the ability to continue to do it.” ”
Liz A
“"I would highly recommend ScreenFit to everybody I know. Almost everybody uses screens and could benefit from the program. Even if they aren't feeling the effects of prolonged screen usage they can use the techniques that are taught to prevent their eyes from tiring out as they continue to use screens." ”
Ben D